Program: A Hurrah’s Nest and other Yankee Talk

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May 12th, 7 pm 

Sarah and Harry Hollister will present a lively reading of a New England short story from the “local colorist” period (1860-1900)*, when the Colrain Historical Society resumes in-person programs at the Stacy Barn behind the Pitt House Thursday, May 12. 

The story by Alice Brown provides a window into the lives of our ancestors, using local dialects, phrases and a fair amount of humor. The speakers will give a little background on the “local colorist” writers, most of whom were women.

Photo and brief biography of Alice Brown.


The program at 7:30 p.m. will follow a business meeting at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served, and the program is free and open to the public. 

 Welcome back! 

 * During the late 1800’s “local color”, as defined as the characteristics and traits that make a location unique, was popular in literature.