Program: Reading the Gravestones of Colrain and Environs

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Date: Thursday, September 8, 2022

Time : 7:30 pm

Location: Stacy Barn, behind the Pitt House, 8 Main Road, Colrain

“Reading the Gravestones of Colrain and Environs” will be the topic of a presentation by author John Hanson at the September 8 meeting of the Colrain Historical Society at 7:30 p.m. in the Stacy Barn behind the Pitt House.

Author of Reading the Gravestones of Old New England, Hanson has been collecting and studying early New England epitaph verse for years. In this talk, he will share some outstanding verses on old stones in local burial grounds and discuss what these early New Englanders’ very personal choices of memorial verse tell us about their attitudes towards life, death, and eternity.

The program is open to the public, following a meeting at 7. Refreshments will be served.
For information call 413-624-3453.

In Memory of 

Mr. George

Patteson, who died

ye 21 in 1789 in ye

64th year of

his age.

The patient soul who loves

In mind shall love always

(Chandler Hill Cemetery, Colrain)